Workshop on how to expunge records scheduled for tonight, Oct. 12


Individuals with juvenile or adult criminal records are invited to attend a program that will outline the proper way to have those records permanently removed from court and law enforcement files.

The Workshop to Expunge Criminal Records will be held from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 12 in the Middlesex County Freeholders Meeting Room on the first floor of the Middlesex County Administration Building, 75 Bayard St., New Brunswick.

The workshop is free and open to members of the public and practicing attorneys.

During the session, attorneys will review the process to remove damaging criminal records by outlining the types of crimes that can be erased and how to accomplish this goal. Additionally, the seminar will review the types of criminal offenses that cannot be removed from official records. Employment opportunities will be discussed for candidates deemed ineligible for expunging their records.

A packet of documents to assist participants in expunging their records will be provided during the seminar.

The event is being sponsored by the Superior Court of New Jersey, Middlesex Vicinage, the Middlesex County Bar Association and Legal Services of New Jersey.

RSVP by e-mailing Reginald Johnson at [email protected] or by calling 732-745-8430.