Multi-Faith Service and Conference For Peace set for Nov. 13

First Presbyterian Church (FPC) of Metuchen is co-sponsoring the 37th annual Multi-Faith Service and Conference For Peace on Nov. 13 at Princeton University in Princeton.

The Annual Multi-Faith Service will be held at 11 a.m. at the Princeton University Chapel and the Conference For Peace starts at 1:30 p.m. in Guyot Hall at Princeton University.

Imam Sohaib Sutan, Muslim Life Coordinator and Chaplain at Princeton University, will deliver the sermon at the Princeton University Chapel. The Annual Multi-Faith Service is free and open to the public.

The speakers at the afternoon Conference For Peace will address the topic of “preventing a new nuclear arms race.” The Conference was organized by the Coalition for Peace Action. A free will offering will be taken for attendees who would like to support the educational work of the Coalition for Peace Action.

For more information, including a map with directions to the Annual Multi-Faith Service and Conference For Peace, visit [email protected] or contact Eileen Harkless of FPC at [email protected].