Don’t surrender rights just for change

To the editor: 
I can, to a degree, understand why a fair amount of U.S. citizens support the Republican candidate, Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is promising an immense amount of change to stimulate our economy and help America thrive financially. He is also promising to kick out illegal immigrants and lower taxes for the richest Americans.
The people of our country are upset with the lack of change in recent years and want a candidate who will fix America’s broken economy, but what people are not realizing is the amount of negative, unprogressive change that Donald Trump could potentially bring America if voted into office.
The United States is said to be “ … land of the free and home of the brave.” I fear soon we will no longer be able to describe our land as free if Mr. Trump is our executive. Mr. Trump potentially could appoint five new, conservative justices to the Supreme Court. America is described as progressive, but if Mr. Trump and Mike Pence are elected, we are giving them the power to strip us of our liberties. With their new right-winged court, they could reverse the important Supreme Court cases, Roe v. Wade and Obergefell v. Hodges.
America started with colonists who came to a new land to escape a monarch who broke the social contract. America thrived in the 20th century when immigrants voyaged to America, in search of a better life. Donald Trump wants us to turn against immigrants, but I find that hypocritical, considering every one of us are descendants of immigrants (except those descending from Native American heritage.)
I understand that the people of America are upset, we all want the best for our country. All Americans want the United States to thrive, but do we really need to give up rights and liberties to make that happen? 
Alyssa Cseh 
Hillsborough 