Not electing Trump a missed opportunity

To the editor: 
The next presidential election is probably going to be the most important election that we have had for decades. It would have a far greater impact on our lives for generations to come than ever before, and on our standing in the world, which needs to be robust, especially when some nations, like Russia and China, are becoming belligerent.
The contrast between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump cannot be more stark. With Hillary, we will have continuation of President Obama’s policies of increasing national debt, unaffordable college education for the middle classes, costly healthcare system, bad international trade deals with more and more manufacturing leaving our shores, continuing outsourcing of jobs on a massive scale leaving out many bright young graduates unemployed or under employed and uncontrolled immigration, which only depresses wages in this country.
In addition, the most worrisome is the appointment of a supreme court judge, perhaps even two or three judges in the next four years, who would lean more towards increasing government interference in the day to day lives of the working Americans.
On the other hand, Donald has not only identified the problems this nation has but has offered clear solutions. He wants to reverse many of the bad policies we have whether it is trade, education, healthcare, immigration, etc.
For example, on trade he wants fair trade and wants to renegotiate the current agreements. It does not make sense that when we export an auto to Mexico they put a tax on it whereas an import from Mexico has no tax. It is a no-brainer that our manufacturing is leaving the U.S. for Mexico for cheaper labor, and shuttering factories here. In addition, to add insult to injury, these corporations write off most of the cost of moving production to Mexico against the profits in this country, which is equivalent to the taxpayer subsidizing the closure of factories and putting many hard working Americans out of jobs.
Education is another area that Donald says is getting out of reach of the middle classes, and he wants to do something about it. The reason he often cites is the high cost of the staffing at various levels, which is so very true. Hillary will never talk about controlling cost of education nor has she offered any solutions most probably fearing that contributions from the various unions would dry up.
What Donald had said about women in the past is inexcusable no matter what the circumstances then were, but he has publicly apologized for those comments. By all accounts, he is extremely embarrassed about it, and is very sorry for causing pain to his family for what he said many years ago.
However, he has redeemed himself over the years through his actions, and the proof is there for all to see. He has developed a very successful business creating thousands of jobs with many of his top executives being women earning more than men as he has stated publicly. Furthermore, he has raised a very balanced and a highly educated family that is admired by all that many would want to emulate.
Hillary has talked about women’s equality for years but not much has happened even when she was secretary of state and a member of President Obama’s cabinet. We never heard or read about Hillary fighting tooth and nail for women when she was a senator to bring about the changes that she is now talking about on her campaign trails. In fact, with the release of the recently hacked emails from her private server, one would only expect increased corruption and influence peddling should she be elected as the president.
Donald is the real outsider and has the guts to take on the corrupt congressmen head on. I believe he will not spare anyone in the Senate or the House if he finds out that they are either not cooperating for the good of the country or are corrupt, allowing special interests to influence their judgment on many of the issues. He is the one individual who will at least make a serious attempt to bring about changes to get rid of corrupt practices in our government, which he has been articulating continuously during his election campaign.
It will be a missed opportunity for the country if Donald is not elected president, whereas, with Hillary we would continue on the downward path as far as economic and military greatness is concerned. And for that it won’t be Hillary’s fault but ours, the voters, for electing her knowing fully well about her polices, which she has talked about over the many years that she has been in politics. 
Shangar Nandra 
Hillsborough 