Reader commends state legislators

I want to commend my state legislators for their steadfast support of women. Sen. Patrick Diegnan and Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak have been stalwarts for the issues that matter to women.

While Gov. Chris Christie has made the decision to balance the budget on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens such as women and families, Diegnan and Karabinchak have held true to their values. They fight for middle class families by standing against cuts to health care for women, fighting for gender equality in the workplace and recently increasing the earned income tax credit.

I worry because state Republicans have expressed opposition to all of these programs and would advocate for even more cuts to the state’s social net programs that protect women and children. I am looking for responsible and reasonable leadership in Trenton and not Trump-inspired rhetoric.

Thankfully, Sen. Patrick Diegnan and Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak are dedicated to the interests of women, and that is why I will vote for them on Nov. 8.

Francine Glaser