Verizon could need second cell tower

To the editor: 
Verizon Wireless states there is poor cell coverage in the area of Woods Road Elementary School and there is a dead cell zone by Millstone River Road. To solve this problem, Verizon has applied to install a cell tower at Woods Road firehouse. Because the firehouse is in a residential zone that does not allow cell towers, Verizon needs a zoning variance. If the firehouse cell tower were approved, there would be excellent cell coverage by the school, but there would still be a dead zone by Millstone River Road.
Cell service is complicated in design. According to Verizon, each cell tower has a range of approximately 1.5 miles in radius and the area of Millstone River Road is at the outer range. In order for Verizon to effectively cover the Millstone River Road area, it would potentially need to install another cell tower towards Millstone River Road, or move its artificially selected search radius further south towards Township Line Road.
Currently, there are no property owners near Millstone River Road who are willing to negotiate a land lease with Verizon. If a willing property owner were found, then Verizon would need to request a zoning variance to install another cell tower.
The Board of Adjustment will continue hearing the case for the firehouse cell tower on Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Courtroom. 
Jean Trujillo 
School board candidate 
Hillsborough 