Liu will serve parents, students in North Brunswick


This year’s Nov. 8 election for the North Brunswick Township Board of Education (BOE) is critical. It has important implications for all residents of North Brunswick, including families with and without children.

Of the candidates running for a BOE seat, Howard Liu brings the background, plan and common sense to best serve the people of North Brunswick. I have known Howard for over 10 years — as a fellow resident of North Brunswick, student and professional — and I encourage you to consider voting for him.

Howard is intimately familiar with the North Brunswick Township K-12 system, having graduated from Parsons Elementary School, Linwood Middle School and North Brunswick Township High School. He has chosen to live in North Brunswick today even while working as a civilian Army employee. Simply put, he is proud to call North Brunswick home.

Howard’s platform addresses the concerns of North Brunswick’s residents far better than do the plans of the other candidates. First and foremost, he will make every decision with you, the taxpayer, in mind. Second, he will oppose any property tax increases. Like the many residents who will reject the current BOE’s $77 million proposal to dramatically raise property taxes, Howard understands how harmful a massive increase would be in today’s economy. Finally, he will work with educators and residents to improve the quality of education by reallocating existing resources and cutting waste, not simply by proposing new programs.

Raj Kannappan
North Brunswick