Old Bridge woman receives award for fight against brain tumors

OLD BRIDGE — A 23-year-old woman has been recognized for making great strides against brain tumors.

Old Bridge resident Tara Mitchell will be presented with the 2016 Emerging Leadership Award during the National Brain Tumor Society’s National Gray Gala on Nov. 11 in Boston.

Mitchell is a five-year brain tumor survivor and fundraiser through her own event, Blow Out Brain Tumors. She has also participated in and volunteered to help organize National Brain Tumor Society-held events in the New York and New Jersey areas.

In 2015 she served as acting volunteer co-chair of the New York City Brain Tumor Walk, and in 2016 she served in the same position for the inaugural Central New Jersey Brain Tumor Walk. Her team, Tara and the Brains, has participated in both events and were the leading fundraisers for the Central New Jersey Brain Tumor Walk this year.