Resident offers support for Musich and Uniglicht

To ensure that Manalapan continues to remain a great place to live we need the best possible people on our Township Committee. Mary Ann Musich and Kevin Uniglicht are smart, dedicated, hard-working individuals with proven experience as community volunteers and leaders. That is why I am going on record to recommend Mary Ann and Kevin for the two open seats on the committee.

As a long-time resident of Manalapan and a community volunteer, I have a vested interest in seeking the best possible representatives for our community and understand the concerns regarding property taxes, the crematorium and development of property near Millhurst Road and Route 33.

I attended the debate on Oct. 18 and appreciated Mary Ann and Kevin’s confirmation that they are focused on a fair assessment process for township homeowners, oppose the crematorium and commitment to development that enhances life in Manalapan and encourages businesses to thrive.

Their experience and knowledge of process will be instrumental in making sure courts do not dictate what projects get built in our beautiful town.

Mary Ann has demonstrated leadership, business acumen and commitment to residents and business owners in her role as mayor. Kevin is an established attorney, an active volunteer in the community and offered real solutions to the issues that concern residents.

I am endorsing Mayor Mary Ann Musich and Kevin Uniglicht because I see how dedicated they are to making sure the growth of Manalapan is done in a sound and responsible way. They are the best candidates for the job and the only choice for responsible citizens.

I urge my neighbors to please cast your vote for Mary Ann Musich and Kevin Uniglicht on Nov. 8.

Melissa Prusher