HILLSBOROUGH: Township shows support for “Thin Blue Line” Act

Township officials voiced their support for a national effort to show support for the country’s police force through a resolution propping up the “Thin Blue Line Act.”
Introduced bac in February by Congressman David W. Jolly (R-Florida), the bill known as H.R. 814 amends the federal code to make “the killing or attempted killing of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder an aggravating factor in death penalty determinations.”
If made into law, the act would determine that any murder where the person was killed while performing the aforementioned jobs, because of their job or status as a public official, would be considered during the accused person’s trial.
Though the death penalty has been banned in New Jersey since 2007 and there hasn’t been an execution in the state since 1963, township officials approved the resolution.
Officials cited the recent mistrust between the public and public officials that at times led to violence against police. One such case, which took place in Dallas on July 7, resulted in the shooting deaths of five law enforcement officers.
The Hillsborough resolution states that the situation in Dallas was “ an example of the dangerous conditions which law enforcement officers and other responders face on a daily basis.”
Prior to the active shooter training exercises planned for Friday, Oct. 21, township officials will gather outside the Hillsborough Municipal Building at 8:45 a.m. to hold a “thin blue line” ceremony. 