Pancake breakfast will benefit Jackson food pantry

Michael Benavides
Staff Writer

JACKSON – The Jackson Rotary Club will sponsor a pancake breakfast on Nov. 13 and is asking guests to bring food and other items that will be donated to the Jackson Food Pantry.

The pancake breakfast will be held from 9 a.m. to noon at the Jackson Senior Center, 45 Don Connor Blvd., Jackson. All residents are invited to attend.

Rotary Club President George Corbiscello said donations will go to the food pantry, which is operated by the Jackson Women of Today. He said the Rotary Club donated about 60 shopping bags worth of goods to the food pantry from two pancake breakfasts that were held in 2015.

Rotary Club director Thomas Barchie said the organization has 20 members whose goal is to support the community in any way they can.

The food pantry’s director, Josephine Corbiscello, said she believes the pancake breakfast and the request for the donation of food will raise awareness among residents that there are people in Jackson who need assistance putting food on their table.

Corbiscello said the food pantry serves between 120 and 200 families each month. She said the Rotary Club has been working with the food pantry for about three years and expects that relationship to continue.

“The Jackson Rotary Club continues to help the food pantry by hosting the pancake breakfast free of charge (in return for) a contribution of food that is needed by the pantry,” she said.

According to a flier distributed by the Rotary Club, items the food pantry needs include peanut butter, cookies, tuna, pasta, cake mixes, juices, soups, syrup, toothpaste, toilet paper, laundry soap and bar soap.

For more information about what items can be donated, visit