Temple to host artist in residence

MANALAPAN – Sam Glaser, a Jewish music performer and educator, will appear at Congregation Sons of Israel, Manalapan, as Artist in Residence on Nov. 11-12.

Glaser has appeared on Broadway, at the White House, and internationally, according to a press release.

For the past 21 years, he has performed in an average of 50 cities per year as a cantorial soloist, scholar in residence and guest lecturer. His fans transcend the wide range of individual Jewish observance, according to the press release.

The Sons of Israel Artist in Residence program, which is open to the community, has been choreographed to highlight Glaser’s broad range of talents, said Vic Schioppo, vice president of programming at the 99-year-old traditional synagogue.

Prayer services on Nov. 11 (4:15-6 p.m.) will be followed by a Sabbath dinner culminating in Glaser’s program, “The Life of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach in Story and Song.”

On Nov. 12, a traditional Saturday prayer service, highlighting Glaser’s cantorial talents, will begin at 9 a.m. Services will be followed by a luncheon (free for all congregants and community guests) and an informative and challenging presentation, “Hineni: Answering the Call in Troubled Times,” according to the press release.

Glaser in Concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. and tickets ($18) may be purchased by calling 732-446-3000. Children age 5 and under are free. Nov. 11 dinner tickets are also $18. The Nov. 12 luncheon is free to all. Reservations are requested by Nov. 3.