Czarneski, Rampacek offer responsible leadership

Jamesburg has two quality candidates running for the Borough Council. Laura Czarneski is a longtime resident. She has served on the Board of Education, the PTA board, and she is employed by the Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters.

Samantha Rampacek is a lifelong resident of Jamesburg, married, a member of the Jamesburg Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, life member of the State of New Jersey Fireman’s Association Ladies Auxiliary, secretary to the Garden Club of Jamesburg and employed by the Township of South Brunswick.

Both candidates have invested time and effort in the community of Jamesburg, and with your vote, these two candidates will provide the community with responsible leadership and a willingness to participate in council affairs. I ask that the citizens of Jamesburg support their candidacy by voting Line B on Nov. 8 and electing them to office.


John Longo Jr.
