Holmdel resident supports re-election of BOE member

I feel Holmdel is very lucky to have Mike Sockol on the Board of Education. He’s a fiscal conservative who helped secure a no-tax increase his first year in office and has worked to keep the district under the 2 percent cap over the last six years.

He supported expanding the district’s artistic programs and successfully advocated for a more flexible class schedule in the high school. He has voted for measures to make our school facilities more energy efficient and safer during these times of uncertainty. As a former HYAA coach in town, he values the importance of athletics and approved additional coaches to expand the number of sports teams.

Mike may be the most reasonable guy I know, which is a good thing when the world seems to get more unreasonable by the day. He has the right temperament and the right intelligence for the job. He asks serious questions and doesn’t shy away from taking positions that he feels are right, no matter how unpopular. He listens to everyone, even those whose opinions are different than his, and he continuously shows a willingness to learn and move on.

For those reasons, many of my friends and I feel very lucky that Mike decided to seek re-election this year, and I urge voters not to let this bit of good fortune pass us by. Please join me on Nov. 8 and re-elect Mike Sockol to the Holmdel school board.

Susan Stampfli