Brant, Hart support overdevelopment

To the editor: 
Todd Brant, Republican candidate for Hopewell Township Committee, claims to be against over-development in Hopewell Township. However, when the ELSA referendum was up for a vote in 2012, Mr. Brant openly supported and lobbied for the referendum, which would have dramatically expanded sewers in the southern part of the township.
The result of this sewer expansion would have been significant new development in the most crowded area of the township, and we would have all paid the price in the form of new schools and higher taxes. Fortunately for those of us living in this area, the referendum was decisively defeated, with over 80 percent of residents saying “no” to Mr. Brant’s misguided vision.
My question to Mr. Brant is how can you say you are against over-development when in fact you’ve supported measures that would have directly led to developing the area around the Pennington Circle?
And let’s not forget your running mate, John Hart, who presided over the last effort to expand Trenton’s sewers into Hopewell Township. Township residents have responded again and again that we like the current rural character of Hopewell Valley. Say no to over-development. Vote for change on Nov. 8 and say no to Mr. Brant and Mr. Hart. 
Peter Sandford 
Pennington 