Metuchen High art show at library gallery

The Metuchen Public Library, 480 Middlesex Ave., Metuchen, will feature the artwork of Metuchen High School students in November at the Library Gallery. All levels of the art program will be represented, and a variety of media will be included.

Introduction to Art is the first step in the Metuchen High art program. Interested students are able to continue the sequence throughout the four years. The culmination of the program is AP Studio Art. Students in this class prepare for the AP Studio Art exam. This exam requires a portfolio of 24 artworks in either 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional form. In addition to the sequenced Art Program, there has been increasing emphasis on Ceramics, and a greater use of technology in art and design. This year an AP Art History course has been added to the curriculum.

The MHS art department works closely with the community in several projects during the year. The Art Department contributes their talents every year to Project Graduation by painting pumpkins that are sold at the Country Fair. Art students painted the scenery for last year’s MHS production of “The Wizard of Oz”. In addition, students are involved in Middlesex County High School for the Arts, and are participants in various artistic contests.

For more information, call the Metuchen Public Library, at 732-632-8526, or visit the Library website,