Vote Hart and Brant to committee

To the editor: 
Remember the Alamo! Remember the Maine! Remember Pearl Harbor! These are fighting words and America answered the call.
Remember Pennytown! Remember “365 does not equal 70!” These are also fighting words and John Hart and Todd Brant answered the call.
In 2008, when the Democrats spent $7 million in tax dollars to buy Pennytown, John Hart spoke out by calling it a bad idea. In 2013, when the Planning Board voted to move the Pennytown project forward, Todd Brant spoke out and was one of only two to vote against the project.
Now, eight years from inception and millions of dollars later, Pennytown is commonly seen as the costly mistake that John and Todd saw.
Remember the Scotch Road Town Center? Remember the Pennington Circle?
These are scary words that John Hart and Todd Brant must be enabled to fight. The Democrats’ Scotch Road Town Center has moved east on Washington Crossing/Pennington Road and is proposed to become the Democrats’ next huge development project.
We need John Hart and Todd Brant to fight over-development. Without both of them, the Democrats will have a super-majority on the Township Committee to build, build, build as they see fit. That’s what happens without checks and balances.
Vote for both John Hart and Todd Brant for a balanced municipal government. 
Kim Johnson 
Hopewell Township 