What do you think of ‘Speechless?’

Question: I am now three episodes into Speechless, but I must say that I find myself cringing every time Minnie Driver as the mom opens her mouth. And don’t even get me started on the garbage collecting, anti-social dad. I like JJ, the caregiver and the younger brother, but
I am very close to giving up as I find myself more annoyed than inspired. Or entertained for that matter. Is it just me? — David

Matt Roush: Rule of thumb: It’s almost never just you. And in this case, it’s really just a matter of your threshold for these kinds of outrageous antics. I might agree that a little of Driver’s abrasive bellowing as mamma Maya goes a long way, but I appreciate the brave choices she’s making in not trying to soften or sentimentalize this character, who has had to fight so hard for so many years to give JJ the life he deserves. The irreverent tone Speechless establishes, including the bizarre behaviors of father Jimmy (John Ross Bowie in a role so different than the antagonist he sometimes plays on The Big Bang Theory), somehow appeals to me. I’d so much rather watch a show like this than depressingly lazy retro family comedies like Kevin Can Wait or Man With a Plan, which I would gather wouldn’t be David’s choice, either. So I’m willing to cut the show, and Driver, quite a bit of slack here.

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