PLAINSBORO: Elect Yu Taylor Zhong to school board

Lynn Wang, Plainsboro
I’m a resident in Plainsboro Township and would like to express opinion on the BOE election.
Many families moved to WW-P for their children to go to the schools here. When my husband and I decided to move to Plainsboro two years ago, our children had already gone to colleges. What attracted us here were not the schools, obviously, but rather things that typically come along with top notch schools — quiet towns, safe streets, caring neighborhood and, of course, the home value that can hold because of the quality of the schools.
I was quite disturbed, however, when I observed the explosion of discontents of all sorts about the schools shortly after we moved here — protests from students, complaints from teachers, and anger from parents. Like many other residents I had conversations with, I got very concerned. It is not uncommon that decisions and policy changes can stir debates and controversies, but the way the district pushed through so many divisive changes in short period of time and with so strong objections from the community are unusual and harmful. The quality of education and the reputation of the school district are on the slip when they ought to be the top of the agenda of a town.
The Board of Education has not done the job adequately as it is supposed to. It has basically been rubber stamping every thing from the administration for the last two years, except for the only few board members who would listen to the community and have the courage to say “wait a minute“ or simply “no“. Yu Taylor Zhong from Plainsboro is one of the few. That is why I support his campaign for reelection to the school board.
I got to know Mr. Zhong almost immediately after I moved into Plainsboro. He is such a nice gentleman who always lends a helping hand to others, to new comers and to strangers. He is also such a good listener. He seizes every opportunity, whether on the commuter trains, or in grocery stores, or at football games, to talk to and listen to people, to inform people of school news and activities, and to hear about what people have to say about the schools. He knows the issues.
Mr. Zhong is also a fair-minded gentleman. He speaks in the board for every one’s interest. He objects to policies that would benefit one group of people but hurting the others. He always seeks win-win.
Amid all my worries about the community, Yu Taylor Zhong is a reassuring to me. I will definitely vote for him on Nov. 8, and I hope all my Plainsboro fellow voters will do the same. 
Lynn Wang 
Plainsboro 