Fundraisers assist longtime resident with medical care

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

FREEHOLD – As Reggie Sims continues his recovery from a double lung transplant, the long-serving volunteer firefighter and well-known resident of Freehold Borough is thankful for the support he has received.

Sims, 49, underwent the transplant on June 9 after he was diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, a form of pneumonia that compromises bronchioles (air passageways) and surrounding tissue in the lungs. The procedure was successfully completed, but his recovery remains ongoing.

An online fundraiser dubbed Reggie’s Road 2 Recovery was created to assist Sims after he received the double lung transplant.

According to information posted on the online fundraising page, the surgery included expenses which are not covered by insurance. As a result of his illness, Sims has been unable to work since January. He is employed by Freehold Borough.

As part of the recovery process, Sims spent nearly eight weeks in a rehabilitation facility and had to return to Philadelphia several times a week for therapy. For the rest of his life, he will have to take anti-rejection drugs and other medication, according to information posted online.

The online fundraiser sought $15,000 to help cover expenses related to the surgery. The fundraiser exceeded its goal and as of Nov. 2, had raised $17,625 in donations.

On Oct. 2, a local fundraiser for Sims collected $12,800, according to Lynn Cannon, the assistant borough clerk who organized the event which was held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4374, Waterworks Road.

According to a flier provided by Cannon, sponsors at the event were Joe Saker and Family, the Freehold Fire Department, the Latino Coalition of New Jersey, Shore Point Distributors, the Court Jester, Pepsi Co., New Jersey Water, Wemrock Orchards, Battleview Orchards, Bailey’s Printing, Jersey Shore Restrooms and Herr Food Inc.

Sims, who attended the event at the VFW, said he is grateful for all of the assistance he has received since undergoing the lung transplant.

“I was very touched by the overwhelming support at the fundraiser,” Sims said. “I got to see people I had not seen in a while. When you’re down and out, people come to your rescue.”

Reggie’s brother, Jaye, who serves on the Borough Council, publicly thanked everyone who participated in the Oct. 2 fundraiser during a council meeting the following evening.

Councilman George Schnurr made note of the large number of people who turned out at the VFW to support Reggie.

“This is the first time I had to wait to find a parking spot at the VFW,” Schnurr said. “Congratulations on a fantastic fundraiser, Jaye.”

Reggie Sims, who has four daughters, has been a volunteer firefighter with the Freehold Fire Department for 25 years. He serves on the Freehold Borough Housing Authority. He has previously served as a volunteer for the YMCA of Western Monmouth County, the Freehold Borough Little League, the Freehold Borough Recreation Commission and the Colonial Basketball League.

Sims is still recovering from surgery and believes he is on the right path, with the hope that he may be able to return to work by the end of the year.

“I am very humbled by the community showing their love and support,” he said. “Freehold is a good town.”