WEST WINDSOR: Elect Herts and Marinsky to school board

Dr. Jon Cosse, West Windsor
This letter is to support the campaign of Herts and Marinsky.
First, Herts and Marinsky are well aware that WW-P is a great district, and they want to get involved with the board with the goal to positively contribute to the educational excellence established in our district.
Their primary goal is to help to facilitate the goals of our school district in maintaining excellence and to ensure a bright future for all our students. As well, they wish to encourage careful spending of our tax dollars. And most important, their platform promotes consensus among stakeholders and transparency.
The WW-P school district, at various times over the years, has experienced “openness” by boards of education, but sadly not in all years. Herts and Marinsky I know that in the long run, “openness and transparency” will help the district to grow, and will provide stakeholders with a roll in the decision making process … a concept that has helped to make WW-P truly great.
Herts and Marinsky seek to shine a light on that aspect! 
Dr. Jon Cosse 
West Windsor 
Dr. Cosse is a retired WWP schools administrator. 