HILLSBOROUGH: DelCore committed to government accountability, fiscal responsibility, transparent local government and open space preservation

Frank DelCore, Hillsborough
I have had the distinct privilege of being selected by the voters to serve on the Hillsborough Township Committee for the past nine years. In addition, I have had the great honor to serve as Hillsborough’s mayor four times, and I thank my Township Committee colleagues for allowing me to serve as mayor again in 2016. I am running for re-election to the Township Committee and I ask for your support on Election Day.
During my tenure on the Township Committee, I have worked with extraordinary colleagues that share my vision for Hillsborough and are committed to the betterment of our community. I believe that together we have delivered on pledges and promises made and I am very proud of the record of accomplishment we have achieved.
Given my financial background, I have always had a special focus on delivering fiscally responsible leadership. During my tenure on the Township Committee, municipal spending has been a key focal point and spending today is near the same level as when I took office nine years ago. I take great pride in the fact that Hillsborough has achieved AA+ credit rating from Standard & Poors, mainly as a result of the manner in which our finances are managed. I remain committed to maintaining our business-like approach to municipal spending, scrutinizing all spending, and making financial decisions that are rooted in ensuring that the best interest of Hillsborough is preserved.
Each time that I enter the Municipal Building, I look with great pride on the signs both inside and outside the facility touting our repeated placement on Money Magazine’s prestigious list of Best Places to Live in America. We have recently been named for the fourth time to that list, the only town in New Jersey to receive that designation on the latest list. I know my colleagues share my pride in that recognition and I believe that the leadership and prudent planning, decision making and financial stewardship by the Township Committee has been a major factor in Hillsborough being named to the list again.
It has truly been a great privilege and honor to serve on the Hillsborough Township Committee for the past nine years. I remain committed to my core principles of government accountability, fiscal responsibility, fully open and transparent local government, and open space preservation. If I am fortunate enough to be re-elected to another three-year term, you have my commitment that I will continue to govern with the best interest of Hillsborough as my priority.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as a committeeman and mayor. I hope that I have earned your trust over these past nine years and I humbly ask for your vote on Nov. 8.
Frank DelCore
Mr. DelCore is a Republican candidate for Township Committee.