HILLSBOROUGH: School board candidate would review infrastructure, budget and wellness

Jean Trujillo, Hillsborough
I am a school board candidate in the Nov. 8 general election. Over the last few weeks, I’ve written several letters so that voters can learn more about me.
In summary, I’m a 14-year Hillsborough resident with three children attending district schools (eighth, fifth and second grades). I’ve volunteered as chairperson of various HSA fundraisers and I was an HSA treasurer during the last school year. My degrees are in mechanical engineering. I do my homework and research to make educated decisions and I am always asking questions. It’s the best way to learn. I encourage the community to learn about me by asking questions: [email protected]
If elected, I would initiate an immediate review of (1) infrastructure — walk-through of all facilities and grounds with a focus on safety of students, staff and visitors, (2) budget — line by line financial review and (3) wellness — anonymous survey of students and staff in the areas of mental health and morale.
I encourage you to learn more about me via my letters to the editor and my answers to questionnaires at www.facebook.com/jeanforboe and my blog at www.jeanforboe.blogspot.com .
I would like to represent the Hillsborough community on the school board and ask for your vote this Nov. 8. Thank you for your support.
Jean Trujillo