HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Electing Republicans can stop one-party rule

Harvey Lester, Hopewell Township
Other than the selective memory demonstrated by Democrat candidates and Democrat political operatives, who have been writing letters to the editor in this newspaper, I suspect that no other township resident has trouble remembering the past.
For a decade, seniors have been waiting for a senior center, and the Democrats, who have controlled a majority of the administrations during that time, have been dragging their feet. At least twice during that time, newspaper accounts have reported the Democrats’ claim that the seniors’ long wait for a center was over.
In 2008, the Democrats 7.4 percent tax increase gave us the largest tax increase in the decade ending 2016.
Also in 2008, the Democrats spent $7 million to buy Pennytown. In 2013, the Democrats misguided attempt to build 365 housing units in a project called Pennytown/Kooltronic became wildly unpopular.
In 2014, the Democrats 7 percent tax increase gave us the second largest tax increase in the decade ending 2016.
Also in 2014, the Democrats misguided attempt to build 2,500 housing units on Scotch Road together with a Scotch Road town center in a project called Jacob’s Creek Village became wildly unpopular.
John Hart and Todd Brant spoke out against the Pennytown/Kooltronic project. In 2014, when they were elected to the Township Committee, they were in a position to block the Democrats effort to re-zone. Without John Hart and Todd Brant, the Democrats would have a supermajority to re-zone without any checks and balances. Their mere presence on the committee prevents one-party rule.
Vote for BOTH John Hart AND Todd Brant. Only your votes stop one-party rule.
Harvey Lester
Hopewell Township