HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Keep the balance on the Township Committee

Mary Jane Chipowsky, Hopewell Township
Wondering what happened to the League of Women Voters Candidates’ Debate? So are the Republicans!
On Oct. 12 I received an email from the LWV stating the debate would be held this year on Oct. 27 at the high school. Both John Hart and Todd Brant had agreed to participate and were asking for the format and procedures. After phoning the LWV and speaking to the debate coordinator on Monday, Oct. 17, and discussing the procedures, I thought everything was set and awaited the final format and rules. It was quite surprising to get an email on Saturday, Oct. 22, stating that the debate was being canceled. The reason given was, “because of a bunch of logistical difficulties.”
I do not blame the League of Women Voters, I believe they tried. I also know that John Hart and Todd Brant were ready and eager to participate in this yearly event.
Before you vote ask yourself: Why was the debate really canceled? The LWV and the Republicans had already agreed, who did not want to debate?
Help keep Hopewell Township transparent by keeping the balance on the Township Committee.
Re-elect John Hart and Todd Brant on Nov. 8.
Mary Jane Chipowsky
Chairperson, Hopewell Township
Republican County Committee
Member of the League of Women Voters
Hopewell Township