HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: McLaughlin and Ruger dedicated to making township more affordable and environmentally secure

Elizabeth Muoio, Pennington
As your representative in the New Jersey Assembly and a fellow neighbor, I want you to know how important it is that you vote this coming Election Day, Nov. 8.
 And as residents of Hopewell Township who want to fight for more efficient and effective government, protect our environment and stop the PennEast pipeline, it’s vital that you show your support for Democratic candidates for Hopewell Township Committee, Kristin McLaughlin and Michael Ruger.
Kristin and Michael will help get local taxes under control while defending our water and the environment. The rural character that makes Hopewell Township such a special place is no accident, and we must defend it from the twin threats of the proposed PennEast pipeline and the ever-present risk of expanded sewer access and the associated uncontrolled development.
Under Democratic leadership, Hopewell Township was the first municipality to formally oppose the PennEast Pipeline. And Democrats have a proud tradition of guarding against over-development and protecting our rural character. Kristin McLaughlin and Michael Ruger know how important it is that we preserve clean air and water, and protect open space and natural resources for our children’s future.
Kristin and Michael are smart, thoughtful, decisive, and truly committed members of the community who are dedicated to making Hopewell Township more affordable and environmentally secure.
That’s why I am endorsing Kristin McLaughlin and Michael Ruger for Hopewell Township Committee and urging you to vote for both of them on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Elizabeth M. Muoio
Ms. Muoio represents the 15th Legislative District in the New Jersey Assembly.