HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Brant offers rebuttal to Democrats’ claims

To the editor: 
In response to the Democrat candidates’ (Ruger and McLaughlin) letters claiming that John Hart and I have not kept our campaign promises, I’d like to rebut with facts, something apparently foreign to them.
When John and I campaigned, we said we would address Hopewell’s debt issue. FACT — The township’s authorized debt dropped by $6 million the only year the Republicans had committee majority. My opponents would know this, if they cared enough to review the budget presentation, which is available to everyone on our township website.
Regarding our approach to transparency and bringing community together — FACTS, we 1) held community-wide meetings to understand the PennEast pipeline impact, 2) created the Titusville Village Traffic Study Group to thoroughly understand the traffic issue should the county re-open the bridges, 3) held mayor’s hours so the residents could reach out on their schedule, not ours, and 4) we made our children’s sports recreation safer by ensuring all coaches achieve a specific level of safety training.
Their claims of tax rate increases are inflated and misleading. FACTS – Republicans were in the minority the first year we served. The Democrat-controlled committee put forth a nearly 8 percent tax increase. In fact, the prior five years of Democrat-controlled committees raised our taxes an average of over 5 percent per year.
Lastly, let’s talk about who has made bulky waste a priority. Perhaps if our opponents had been involved in the community in 2015 (not on record at any PennEast or finance meeting) they would be aware that FACTS – despite losing our required vehicles, John and I included money in the budget for a bulky waste program, a budget the two Democrats voted against. Now in 2016, with a Democrat-controlled committee, there has been zero money allocated for bulky waste programs.
FACT- Hopewell Township is a special place to live. As above FACTS demonstrate, John and I have worked hard over the past three years. We would like to continue working hard for you, and your families to keep Hopewell a special place. On Nov. 8, I ask you to vote to re-elect John Hart and Todd Brant. 
Todd Brant 
Hopewell Township 
Mr. Brant is a Republican candidate for Hopewell Township Committee, 