HILLSBOROUGH: Vote for change, regardless of affiliation

To the editor:
Americans have become stubborn and negative; we want and need change, but lack the motivation to go out and actually do something about it. Many Americans choose to stay home on election night and do not participate in voting. Those who willingly stay home the night of the election either feel that their vote does not matter or they truly do not care who wins.
Frankly, I find this to be disturbing. Our next president will affect the lives of each and every single person in the United States. They can potentially appoint five new justices to the Supreme Court, which could call for serious change and reform. Also depending on Senate and House elections, one party could have the power of all three branches of government. I do not think that the people choosing not to vote realize how much change really could happen in the next four to eight years.
I have my opinion on who should be in office, and I would love for the rest of America to support the candidates I support, but I understand this is not a perfect world and every American is not going to agree with me. I would rather someone be passionate and interested, and actually vote for someone they care about, rather than stay home and pretend it’s not even happening, even if they support candidates I do not personally agree with.
Everyone needs to realize how important it is to participate in our society, and choose a person they deem acceptable to run our nation. We need to teach younger members of society about politics, and how our nation is run; we need to teach them their different options. Just because you do not agree with Democratic views or Republican views does not mean you are out of luck. There are so many different political parties out there, and if we show young people, and frankly, even older people, that there are more than just two option, maybe the number of people who actually vote in America can rise.
Alyssa Cseh