Musich, Uniglicht win committee seats in Manalapan

By Mark Rosman
Staff Writer

MANALAPAN – Republicans will maintain a 4-1 majority on the Manalapan Township Committee in 2017 after voters elected GOP standard bearers Mary Ann Musich and Kevin Uniglicht to three-years terms on the governing body in the Nov. 8 election.

Musich, who is serving as mayor in 2016, received 10,055 votes to win re-election, and Uniglicht received 9,715 votes to win his first term as the Republicans turned back a challenge from Democrats Kim Rodman, who received 8,838 votes, and Bernie Frojmovich, who received 8,759 votes, according to results posted online by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office.

The results are unofficial until they are certified by the county.

Republican Committeeman Jordan Maskowitz did not seek re-election. Uniglicht will join the committee in January and serve alongside Musich, Republicans Susan Cohen and Jack McNaboe, and Democrat David Kane.

Had Frojmovich and Rodman been elected, the Democrats would have had 3-2 control of the committee beginning in January.

The controlling party generally has the ability to appoint individuals or companies they favor to the positions of municipal attorney, municipal planner and municipal engineer.

Under Manalapan’s form of government, the mayor is not directly elected by voters. Each January, the five members of the committee select one member of the governing body to serve as mayor for the year.

Musich has lived in Manalapan for 32 years. She is retired from her position as the administrator for the East Brunswick Sewerage Authority and currently works part-time in a retail store.

Uniglicht has lived in Manalapan for five years. He is an attorney.

In the wake of their victory, Musich and Uniglicht said, “Thank you to all our friends, family members and residents who supported us over this past year. We are so proud of our clean and honest campaign that resonated with Manalapan residents and ultimately led to our victory. Experience has an intangible value.

“We invite all residents to reach out to the Township Committee and use their given skill sets to help maintain the wonderful feel that Manalapan gives its residents. Much of that is set forth through the volunteer committees.

“Our committees cover all facets of our quality of life issues and have an effect on every resident. These committees also provide a road map of learning as to how things work within the township. These positions give someone the experience(s) to then seek an elected office.

“Mrs. Rodman and Mr. Frojmovich ran a hard-fought campaign and we invite them, as well as all of our 40,000-plus residents, to engage us with questions in the future, to help maintain Manalapan as a great place to live. We are always available and residents should feel free to reach out via the township website where our e-mail addresses are located,” Musich and Uniglicht said.

Following the election, Rodman and Frojmovich said, “The Rodman-Frojmovich campaign would like to thank our many supporters and volunteers who inspired us each and every day. We are humbled by the fact that we each received nearly 9,000 votes and proud to have outperformed the top of our ticket by over 6 percentage points in Manalapan.

“This demonstrates that our positive message resonated among residents and crossed party lines. In the end, however, we could not overcome the fact we were running as Democrats in an election where President-Elect Trump carried Manalapan by such a wide margin (Donald Trump outpolled Hillary Clinton 11,821 to 8,503 in Manalapan).

“Our ‘Neighbors Not Politicians’ campaign was never about (us) winning an election. It was about providing residents with a voice in their local government. (We) will continue to provide that voice by remaining advocates for responsible development, improved transparency and other important issues that impact the quality of life of Manalapan residents.

“We congratulate Mayor Musich and Kevin Uniglicht on their election victory. After a long and hard-fought campaign, we wish them well in their service on the Township Committee and look forward to working with them in the coming years for the betterment of our wonderful community,” Rodman and Frojmovich said.