Rabbis will discuss ‘Miracle of Revelation’

Congregation Beth Ohr of Old Bridge, under the auspices of Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey, will present a panel discussion titled “The Miracle of Revelation: Its Meaning for Me and My Rabbinate” 2-4 p.m. Nov. 20 at the East Brunswick Public Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center. The event is part of the International Day of Jewish Learning.

The panel will be made up of three East Brunswick rabbis, Efrayim Unterman of Young Israel of East Brunswick, Joshua Finkelstein of the East Brunswick Jewish Center and Eric Eisenkramer of Temple B’nai Shalom. Rabbi Joel Mishkin of Congregation Beth Ohr will be the moderator.

All are invited to attend. Admission is free of charge. Coffee and cake will be served following the program.

For more information, call Roberta Karpel at 732-642-7881.