HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Hart, McLaughlin win seats on committee

By Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
Incumbent Republican John Hart and Democrat newcomer Kristin McLaughlin were both elected to three-year terms on the Hopewell Township Committee today.
With 100 percent of the township’s votes officially tallied by the Mercer County Clerk’s Office, Mr. Hart has reportedly earned 4,338 votes, while Ms. McLaughlin took in 4,191.
“I sincerely thank the residents of Hopewell Township for their vote of confidence by supporting my re-election,” Mr Hart said.
Those numbers are still unofficial results, however, as mail-in ballots still need to be counted.
According to a statement from the Democrats’ campaign chair, Pete Sandford, the candidates “thank the thousands of Hopewell Township residents who came out to vote and appreciate their support.”
“We are encouraged by the results so far and look forward to the final tally,” they said.
Mr. Hart has been a member of the Hopewell Township Committee and the Hopewell Township Planning Board for a large portion of the last 22 years, having served on the committee from 1996-2000, with 1997 and 1998 as the mayor. In 2013, he sought reelection with Mr. Brant as his running mate.
“Todd and I wish to congratulate Kristin and her expressed bi-partisan view of supporting only those issues that are in the best interest of all the people of Hopewell,” Mr. Hart said. “Though I will be the single Republican on the Township Committee’s Democrat Super-Majority, I promise you, my voice will be heard loud and clear.”
Ms. McLaughlin, 50. moved to Hopewell Township in 2008 with her husband, Mike, who grew up in the township, and their three daughters. She is a political newcomer with no previous experience in public service.
Their running mates, Republican Todd Brant and Democrat Michael Ruger, earned 4,121 votes and 4,032 votes, respectively.