McMorrow retains seat on Freehold Township governing body

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Incumbent Republican Barbara McMorrow has won a new three-year term on the Township Committee.

On Nov. 8, McMorrow was re-elected with 10,081 votes, turning back a challenge from Democrat Richard Pelaia, who received 6,362 votes, according to results posted online by the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office. The results are unofficial until they are certified by the county.

Republicans will maintain a 5-0 majority on the governing body as they have for nearly four decades.

McMorrow, who is serving as Freehold Township’s mayor in 2016, said she was grateful for the support she received.

” ‘Thank you’ does not begin to express to the voters of Freehold Township my gratitude to them for re-electing me to the Township Committee,” McMorrow said. “I thank them for their vote of confidence in me and I look forward to continuing to serve all the residents of our community. I also thank the other members of the governing body for their support of me and for their dedication to serving the residents of Freehold Township as well.

“Freehold Township is truly a family town and as such, I would be remiss if I did not thank our employees who work every day to serve those who live, work and play here; our volunteers who serve on our boards, committees and commissions; and my husband, Patrick, who understands and  encourages my desire to be a public servant,” McMorrow said. “I am humbled by the faith the voters have continued to place in me.”

Pelaia, who made his first bid for public office, said he enjoyed the experience of running and added, “I had fun. I was honored to represent the (Democratic Party) here in Freehold Township. I tried my best to spread a message to the residents that I thought would resonate. The residents spoke and Barbara won. I called her to congratulate her and wish her the best.”