Girls on the Run of Central New Jersey holds annual Fall 5k

Girls on the Run of Central New Jersey will hold its annual Fall 5k race at 11 a.m. on Nov. 20 in Somerville. Details and sign up for the race can be found at

Girls on the Run of Central New Jersey (GOTRCNJ), offers a life-changing program for girls in grades three through eight. The GOTRCNJ program combines training for the 5k race with weekly program lessons to teach girls to become independent thinkers, gain problem-solving skills and make healthy decisions. These programs take place in both the fall and the spring. Currently the GOTRCNJ program serves 1600 girls at 60 site locations.

“It’s our goal to bring this transformational 10 week program to communities whose girls have few options for after school activities”, said Donna York, executive director of GOTRCNJ. 2016 represents 15 years of Girls on the Run of Central NJ.

Girls on the Run of Central NJ is a 501C3 non-profit organization, whose mission is to inspire girls in grades three through eight to make healthy decisions, become independent thinkers and gain problem solving skills. Girls meet twice a week in small teams throughout Somerset, Middlesex, Monmouth, Camden and Ocean counties to learn life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. At each season’s conclusion, the girls complete in a celebratory 5k running event which gives them a tangible sense of achievement as well as a framework for setting and achieving life goals.