Cheers & Jeers

by Damian Holbrook, TV Guide Magazine

Jeers to Saturday Night Live
for its Cumberbungle. Sherlock‘s Benedict Cumberbatch is one of the most charismatic actors on the planet, so it’s a mystery to us why the writers stuck him with crappy skits about high-tech toilets and strippers grinding on dead grannies. (Doctor) strange indeed.

Jeers to Wonky Election-Night Graphics
Fox News had a distracting digital “chandelier,” CNN’s Magic Wall kept lagging and NBC blasted the candidates’ faces against buildings like light shows. We’ve seen better effects on PowerPoint presentations.

Cheers to Supergirl
for its super Mon. You don’t need X-ray vision to see how charming Chris Wood is as Mon-El, an alien who just may be worthy of our ‘girl Kara (Melissa Benoist, with Wood).

Cheers to The Exorcist
for bedeviling us. Between the reveal that Geena Davis is Regan from the original film, the cinematic scares and the twisted mythology about high-society Satanists, this show is a hella good time about some bad people.