Photo courtesy of Leslie Berlin

Sinderella’s Ball at Wonder Bar to benefit ALS 

Staff Writer

The third annual Sinderella’s Ball is being held at the Wonder Bar in Asbury Park on Dec. 3 to benefit those afflicted with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

The funds raised at the event will go to The Joan Dancy and PALS (People with ALS) Foundation.
The Joan Dancy & PALS Foundation serves local ALS patients and their families in Monmouth and Ocean counties by providing direct grants for products and services to improve their everyday lives. Many family members care for loved ones afflicted with ALS at home and the burden becomes very difficult to handle.

The mission of the Joan Dancy and PALS Foundation is to help by providing assistance, services and programs that support ALS patients and their families in our local communities to live and enjoy as full a normal life as possible.

The Dancy Foundation focuses its resources on providing a high level of quality-of-life assistance to those afflicted with the debilitating disease.
ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a physically debilitating, progressive neurodegenerative disease that causes muscle weakness, paralysis, and ultimately, respiratory failure. The disease attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, resulting in muscle weakness and atrophy. There is no cure.

The physically debilitating disease can cost upwards of $250,000 a year and insurances often do not cover the entire cost and the medical needs associated with such a progressive and debilitating disease.
The Joan Dancy and PALS Foundation was founded in 2005 by the late Terry Magovern in honor of Joan Dancy, his late fiancé, after she succumbed to ALS.

In 2001, Dancy, a Middletown resident and mother of two, was diagnosed with ALS and passed away four years later.  She discovered that there were few resources available locally to help those struggling with the disease.  She asked Magovern to help change that situation and after her death, he started the foundation, which is going strong today.

Magovern passed away suddenly in 2007.  He was Bruce Springsteen’s longtime personal assistant and friend, and Springsteen wrote ‘Terry’s Song’ to sing at his memorial service.
Leslie Berlin of Marlboro got involved with the Sinderella’s Ball after becoming familiar with the Joan Dancy and PALS Foundation through a friend, and she wanted to do something to help the organization raise funds.

She helps organize the event and is busy gathering, and coordinating the many items for the auctions.
“My friend, Jay Kanofsky, was actually the first person to conceive the idea of doing some kind of event to raise money for Joan Dancy and PALS.  We have a mutual friend who has ALS and through her and her family, he became familiar with this wonderful foundation and what it does for people with ALS in our community,” Berlin said.

Berlin went on to praise the tireless work that many people devote to this cause.

“He (Jay) enlisted me as well as a few others in organizing Sinderella’s Ball.  It was a way we could feel like we were actually doing something to help those with ALS and therefore set out to make our first year a big success. The night is expected to be a tremendous success, there will be a basket auction, silent auctions, a raffle and music all night,” Berlin said. ” The musical acts, Strumberry Pie and Steve Reilly, have generously donated their time and talent to such a good cause.  Last year we raised $100,000 and our goal this year is to top that amount, and we are so happy to already be getting tremendous enthusiasm and support.”
Sinderella’s Ball will begin at 7 p.m. on Dec.  3. There is a $20 cover charge that goes to The Joan Dancy and PALS Foundation and everyone who attends that night also gets a specially designed t-shirt. For more information visit