HILLSBOROUGH: Trump deserves chance to show what he can do

To the editor: 
The events of Tuesday’s election were seen as a surprise across the nation. Most polls leading up to the big night showed Hillary Clinton winning by a landslide. Despite this, on Nov. 8 Donald Trump defied the odds and won the election, with 290 electoral votes, whereas Ms. Clinton ended the night with just 228 electoral votes.
The shock of the billionaire’s win was seen across the nation, on social media and even in the streets as people protested this decision. While the reality star does not have any prior political experience, he may surprise us in the next four years, or at least we can hope for that.
The new president-elect is seen as a racist, sexist, homophobic, man. While he has made comments in the past that would lead us to think this about him, maybe his time as president will cause him to reevaluate the way he speaks about people, and he can quite possibly help our nation. He even gave credit to his opponent in his acceptance speech, saying she worked “very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.”
While, throughout his campaign, he may have had a filter, or maybe he just declined to use it, he successfully delivered his acceptance speech, in a respectful and optimistic manner. He made multiple references to all Americans reaching their “full potential.”
Many people have declined to support Mr. Trump, throughout his campaign, and even after he was elected. While everybody is entitled to their own political views, and some people make certain we know their views, we can’t change Tuesday’s events. We owe our upcoming president a shot to prove himself. With every election, there is uncertainty, and some more than others, we cannot judge his actions as president if he has not yet taken any actions.
Who knows, Mr. Trump can possibly make poor decisions on our country’s behalf, but it is just as possible that he can in fact Make America Great Again. It may be hard, especially in today’s society where everyone has a different view on every situation, but he fought for his win and he deserves a chance to show us what he can do, whether it be good or bad. We owe him the opportunity to at least try to Make America Great Again. 
Erica Johnson 
Hillsborough 