HILLSBOROUGH: Working together we can succeed

To the editor: 
Last Tuesday Donald Trump was elected as the president of the United States by the American people. Countless Americans are appalled and outraged by this decision. To be completely honest, when I woke up Wednesday morning and turned on the news and saw Mr. Trump presenting his acceptance speech I was disappointed. I could even go as far as to say I was heart broken, as are numerous of my peers.
As the day progressed Wednesday I grew angrier and angrier. I spent hours upon hours listening to people voice their loud, obnoxious opinions. Comments were made by people that obviously had absolutely no extensive knowledge of politics or the economy.
Fights between liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans, Clinton supporters and Trump supporters filled the day. Each fight accomplishing nothing productive, only ruining friendships and relationships.
Watching this all unfold, as heartbroken as I was, I knew that the bickering was getting Americans nowhere. It pains me to say, but Donald Trump is our president, and he will be for the next four years.
He has said some awful, disturbing comments about women and people of other races. Personally I do not believe his economic plans to get America “out of the hole we have dug ourselves in” is going to work as well. I genuinely do not think he is fit to run our nation for four years. But, that said, I also do not believe that pessimism and negativity are the answer either.
I am willing to give Mr. Trump a chance to prove me wrong, and frankly, I hope he proves me wrong.
I hope Americans never lose hope, never give up their dreams. I hope Americans use their anger and disappointment to fuel their inner fire. I hope Americans continue to fight for what they believe in, and do not let this election bring them down. Your voice can be heard and your opinions matter.
American needs to come together. Not only do the politicians and citizens need to learn to work together and build agreements that can benefit the country as a whole, but the People of America in general need to work together.
If we learn to accept one another, and learn to work together we can accomplish so much, we can change for the better, we can thrive and succeed as the best nation on the planet. 
Alyssa Cseh 
Hillsborough 