Liam Frank

Blue Hawk Records to release ‘Nine Lives’ on vinyl

Staff Writer

WEST LONG BRANCH — Monmouth University’s student-run record label, Blue Hawk Records, is scheduled to release its ninth compilation album, “Nine Lives,” on Dec. 7.

The album will debut with a record release show that will be held at the Rebecca Stafford Student Center from 2:45-4:15 p.m., featuring live performances from the contributing artists.

Blue Hawk Records has been releasing new compilations since it was founded in 2013. The Blue Hawk Record class, part of the Music Industry program at Monmouth University, is run like an actual record label.

The students meet weekly to coordinate and plan on how to package and promote the release. They also work individually and as teams between class meetings to make sure that all the aspects of the release are being accomplished. The semester project culminates with a live event that the students produce to showcase the artists and music on the album.

This semester’s release is particularly unique in that it is going to be released simultaneously on cd, digital and vinyl formats. Every semester since spring of 2013, a compilation album has been created with tracks selected from Monmouth University students and alumni. Students may audition with original songs, and members of the program select which artists are featured on the album.

The selected artists record the album at the state-of-the-art Lakehouse Recording Studios in Asbury Park. Once the music is recorded, the students design the artwork and are responsible for all aspects of marketing the finished project. The label promotes and distributes its music to be distributed worldwide by making it available on major digital platforms such as Spotify, iTunes and YouTube.

The semester’s album is jam-packed with talent, featuring six artists representing a variety of genres. With this album, Blue Hawk Records introduces four new artists — Monica Flores, Antonio Gonzalez, Nicole Govel and Sun Room — and welcomes back familiar favorites, Jamir Gee and Trevon Bailey.

Flores is particularly excited about her opportunity to be on “Nine Lives” and to work with Blue Hawk Records. She recognizes the significance of the opportunity that Monmouth University provides for her and the other student artists.

“It is great that a college program can provide such hands-on experience like this,” said Flores.

As an artist, she is also excited about the exposure this album will provide for her music.

“I’m looking forward to how a new audience will receive something I’m putting out for the first time, and I’m excited to be a part of the first vinyl edition,” she said.

“Nine Lives” will be available on vinyl, cd or digital formats on Dec. 7. Blue Hawk Records’ updates are available on social media and can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat. Simply search for Blue Hawk Records on any of those platforms or visit