Eagle Scout candidate installs new sand volleyball court at high school

Members of Boy Scout Troop 12, along with their families and friends, assisted Life Scout Joseph Mansonet on Nov. 13 at the Edison High School Sports Complex to complete his Eagle project.

The project consisted of the installation of a new, regulation-size sand volleyball court. The total estimated cost was $12,500.

When asked why he chose to take on so massive a project, Joseph said, “Edison High School has been a very important part of my life — and so has Scouting — so it seemed only natural to bring the two together.”

The project started back in May when Joseph met with his high school principal, Mr. Ross, and expressed a desire to offer his services to the betterment of his school. The two immediately started brainstorming ideas and, collectively, came up with the idea of the volleyball court. The court could be installed at an unused portion of the school’s sports complex and could provide both the school and the community with another recreational outlet which, in return, could help build and foster some much-needed school spirit.

After clearing it with the school’s superintendent, Joseph went right to work with the planning and fundraising.

“That was just a matter of me going out to small businesses and try to get money so that we could do this,” said Joseph.  “And there have been plenty that have been really helpful in getting this project going.”

Joseph also set up a GoFundMe site.

Integral to the actual construction of the project was a Troop 12 alumni, Jeffrey Hamaid, who used his position at the Edison Home Depot to help secure the materials Joseph needed to complete this project. Hamaid also referred Joseph to a contractor (Panzarella Contracting), who gave him a very good discounted rate.

Joseph got approval from his Boy Scout Council in June, fundraised until September and then he and his crew started digging in the beginning of October. To prepare the site, they dug 18 inches deep, 40 feet by 70 feet, with a two-foot buffer around the entire court. The front loader used in the project was supplied courtesy of the school and the sand came from Clayton Concrete (purchased by Panzarella).

“The project has taught me a lot,” said Joseph. “Going into it, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I didn’t realize how much would be involved with it. But it’s been a really educational experience. It’s taught me a lot about planning, about talking to people, about trying to get money. And then, just delegating the actual project itself. And I’m really thankful to anyone who’s donated and anyone that’s helped.”

At press time, Joseph had raised $11,920 so far, but he still must raise around $500 to completely cover his expenses. If anyone would like to lend their assistance to this cause, visit Joseph Mansonet’s GoFundMe site at www.gofundme.com/Eagle-Project-EHS.