EMS volunteers are ‘unsung heroes’

As we embark on another season of giving thanks, I ask New Jerseyans to count volunteer EMS responders among their blessings. Often “invisible,” this army of unsung heroes answers thousands of calls daily throughout the Garden State.

Then there are the large-scale events: Immediately after the Sept. 29 Hoboken train crash, members of the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Corps were on scene. In October, when Hurricane Matthew threatened to impact our area, thousands of men and women all over New Jersey – volunteers – stood at the ready. These are some of the same volunteers who, four years ago, trudged on foot through deep flood waters to rescue trapped residents, including an ailing cardiac patient, during superstorm Sandy, and spent weeks helping at Ground Zero after Sept. 11, 2001.

And yes, if called, these same volunteers again will leave their families and dinner tables during the upcoming holidays to help neighbors and strangers alike. Please take time to honor and thank these dedicated men and women, especially during the holidays. Better still, consider joining our ranks.

Some people spend their whole lives wondering, “Did I make a difference?” Others don’t have to wonder; they are EMS volunteers.

Joseph G. Walsh, Jr.
EMS Council of New Jersey