Gloria Nilson: A continued history of success

Best known as the founder of Gloria Nilson & Co Real Estate, one of the most successful luxury real estate brands in the region, Gloria Nilson recently stood on a wind-swept patio overlooking Sandy Hook Bay and reflected on her storied real estate career.

From the Atlantic Highlands bluff that is home to the estate she recently listed – a historic home commonly referred to as the Thomas Paine house – Nilson discussed the role of history and its continued influence on the real estate market as well as her ongoing career as a full-time Realtor.

“So much has changed, and yet the fundamentals of real estate remain,” Nilson noted. “Years ago, I took four planes in one day just to get the required signatures on a sale. And while today’s technology has simplified how business is done, understanding the market and the real estate process is a constant that never changes and requires a steady hand.”

Over the years Nilson has continued to be that steady hand, developing a deep and diverse network that serves her clients well. She is often aware of luxury properties that are just coming onto the market and is attuned to current events that may impact the appeal of a community such as changes in school systems, taxes, development and amenities. Her vast experience is at the disposal of her clients to help them navigate the buying or selling process.

“People don’t realize the complexity of getting from contract to closing,” Nilson observed. “I think I’ve helped clients through every conceivable challenge, and I enjoy being able to add calm and direction to what may otherwise be stressful for them.”

In addition to listing everything from historic estate homes and condominiums, Nilson remains connected with her community, serving on the boards of the Monmouth Museum, Monmouth Medical Center Foundation, Monmouth Conservation Foundation, Family and Children’s Services Corporate Advisory Council, The Business Council of Monmouth University’s School of Business and the Dean’s Council. She is a Founding Board Member of the Women’s Council for Cancer Center at Monmouth Medical.

When asked about retirement, Nilson said she has no intention of slowing or stopping.

“I’ve been in rock stars’ bedrooms, encountered an alligator in the bathtub of a home I was showing, and helped so many interesting and accomplished people achieve their goals,” she explained. “Who would want to give that up? I look forward to each day as a chance to help someone make their dreams come true.”

Her long-time motto, “Every size house and garden under the sun,” describes her approach to business that still holds true. To contact Nilson and learn more about her career and industry, connect with her on LinkedIn or FaceBook, email [email protected] , or call her directly at 732-842-6181.