Reformed Church Home raises donations for food bank

OLD BRIDGE — Members of Reformed Church Home (RCH) presented several hundred pounds of nonperishable food and more than $1,600 in cash contributions to the Food Bank of Old Bridge during a celebration on Nov. 18 at the assisted living/skilled nursing community.

Mayor Owen Henry and food bank Manager Diane Amabile were on hand to accept the donations, which will be used to support those less fortunate in Old Bridge Township during the Thanksgiving holiday and winter months, according to a statement prepared by RCH.

RCH Dining Services Director Lynne Meehan, Development Director Marie Trezza and Activities Director Laurie Vagrin led the campaign to benefit the food bank and continue a tradition established at RCH several years ago, according to the statement.

This year, RCH ran multiple fundraising contests, sold T-shirts and hats, sold $1 pin-up tags displayed in the lobby and collected food under the global “Stop Hunger” initiative.

The most successful of the endeavors was a highly competitive “Coin Wars” challenge in which various teams of RCH employees contributed spare change and dollar bills for the food bank, according to the statement. The second floor nursing staff and the administration teams tied for collecting the most money of the nine participating teams.