Residents give thanks to South Brunswick police


SOUTH BRUNSWICK – The South Brunswick Police Department (SBPD) received more than 75 “Thank You” bags from local residents on Nov. 21 to show support for their officers.

Dawn Johnson, a South Brunswick resident for more than 12 years, and her 10-year-old twin daughters, Megan and Haley, worked with Brandon Alterman of Brunswick Martial Arts and Fitness in North Brunswick to show their appreciation, according to a statement prepared by the South Brunswick Police Department.

On Nov. 18, Johnson and her daughters teamed up with 12 other adults and children at the Brunswick Martial Arts to make the bags. The bags are labeled “Survival Kits for Police” and contain various types of candies. The kit provides a description of each candy and a meaning listed with each one such as:  “Lifesavers” to remind the officers how many times they have been one and “gum” to help everyone stick together.

“My children and I wanted to do something for the community. Police officers in this country have been through a lot lately and we wanted to show our appreciation,” Johnson said.

Chief Raymond Hayducka praised the positive partnership between the police department and the community.

“The officers of the SBPD greatly appreciate all of the effort that went into making over 75 “Thank You” bags. This is another great example of the unique bond that the SBPD and the residents of the township share. Acts of kindness like this remind us how lucky we are to protect and serve this community,” he said.