Officers assist teens with project

ENGLISHTOWN — Officers from the Englishtown Police Department recently assisted high school seniors Sam Wojyn, Olivia Hanewald, Liz Moore and Brittany Flakker of the Freehold Regional High School District’s Fine and Performing Arts Academy at Howell High School with a video project.

Police officers were interviewed by the students and asked why they wanted to get involved in law enforcement and about their thoughts on criticism from the media.

The students received a tour of the police department and saw the equipment and vehicles the officers use, according to Lt. Peter S. Cooke Jr., commanding officer of the Englishtown Police Department.

“The young ladies were professional and respectful and all of the officers who were involved were glad to assist the youth in our community with this project. It is positive interactions like this between law enforcement and our youth that build relationships of trust between us,” Cooke said.

Officers who assisted the students were Cooke, Patrolman Ryan Carideo, Patrolman Adam Liotta, Detective Cpl. Alex Dinicola and Officer Kate Kwiecinski.