Range of topics slated for discussion series at church

LINCROFT — The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County holds the Sunday Morning Dialog series each Sunday at 1475 W. Front St.

Doors open 8:45 a.m.

The program offers an opportunity to cover a broad range of topics and encourages deep exploration of new and timely topics. The discussions are free and open to all, and a light breakfast is served with coffee and tea.

Presenters speak for 20-25 minutes, and then the floor is opened for discussion for the remainder of the hour. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County services begin at 10:30 a.m. and are open to Dialog attendees as well.

This month’s topics include: “Gender, Sexuality and Transgender Politics” (Dec. 4); “Climate Sanity from Paris to Marrakech and Beyond, with a Few Bumps Along the Road” (Dec. 11); and “Progress and Future Challenges: Arrests, Racial Disparities and Criminal (In)Justice” (Dec. 18).

Speakers are encouraged to sign up for a discussion. If interested, email [email protected] with your contact information and topic suggestion. For more information, visit www.uucmc.org.