Strong North Brunswick community is based on quality education

One of the main reasons my husband and I chose North Brunswick as our hometown in 1999 was the quality school system. Even before having children, we knew that our property would be more valuable because of quality schools. Since our three children have entered school in North Brunswick, we have been even further impressed with the quality of education. We love the rigor and diversity here. However, we are also aware that this kind of quality requires commitment.

I am writing to express my support for the upcoming school bond referendum because I want to do my part to continue the excellent education in North Brunswick, which I believe is the greatest contributor to the value of property in our town. We cannot rest on the investment of those who have gone before to make our town what it is today. We must all contribute to the quality of our hometown.

We are at a critical time for the future of North Brunswick. School enrollment is increasing (40 percent since 1995), and we will eventually be forced to address these needs. The choice is whether we will be proactive and strategic so that we can take advantage of an opportunity for state contributions to our town, or whether we will hesitate to invest in our children today leading us to miss out on state contributions, pay for less cost-effective options, such as trailers and out-of-district leasing or student placements, and return to the same problem which we will ultimately need to address at a higher cost to taxpayers.

The current school bond referendum plan is well constructed and timely. It addresses the needs of all four elementary schools as well as Linwood Middle School. It maximizes state aid and minimizes the demand on taxpayers. There is even a provision for senior citizens on a fixed income to be exempt from a tax increase.

I urge you, my neighbors, to act strategically and make your vote count on Dec. 13 for a stronger North Brunswick community based on a foundation of quality education.

Christina Vreeland
North Brunswick