Councilwoman grateful for years of service

As most know, this year I made the decision to not seek re-election as a North Brunswick councilwoman. My decision was rendered to my colleagues this past spring.

My time as councilwoman has left me with many good memories and proud accomplishments. Serving with volunteer residents on committees and representing constituents on all levels have been fulfilling. I’ve proudly attended Easter egg hunts, Christmas tree and menorah lightings, North Brunswick Township High School graduations and senior citizen birthday luncheons. With honor, I have attended Memorial Day, Sept. 11 and Veterans Day events. I have been fulfilled.

I have coordinated and sponsored Municipal Alliance initiatives to keep our children safe from the perils of underage drinking and a yearly three-day Women’s Leadership Conference, empowering young women to make wise choices for themselves. I have sponsored the creation of an Anonymous Police Tip Line to report suspicious activity.

From representing our residents when they voted to defeat past school board referendums, I, along with a selected subcommittee, saved our taxpayers 23 tax points or ($3.4 million dollars) with careful review of same. From listening to our residents’ concerns, to voting my own conscience, my time has been well spent.

Thank you to all of the voters — Democrats, Republicans, Independents and undeclareds — for overwhelmingly electing and re-electing me each term. The confidence you placed in me was greatly appreciated and propelled me to work tirelessly on your behalf.

Thank you to our police, fire and rescue squad for your dedication, bravery and professionalism. You are role models for young people and champions of society.

Thank you to our department heads and devoted municipal staff. Your expertise, knowledge and aptitude in all areas of community service benefit our residents on a daily basis. It has been my pleasure to work with each of you for the betterment of North Brunswick.

Last, but certainly not least, thanks to my lifelong friends and family, most especially my dear mother, sister and husband who help me every day with everything. Of course, to my late father, for inspiring me to seek public service and imparting his political knowledge.

In closing this chapter of my life, I find it incumbent to say that I never want to be remembered as merely a politician. Instead, I want to be remembered as your representative, a good person who treated people with kindness and generosity, a person who served North Brunswick with integrity and honesty. I know that I did just that.

Thank you and may God bless you and your families with a very happy and healthy holiday season.

Cathy Nicola
North Brunswick