
Referendum ‘is about money,’ not children

In reference to the upcoming school referendum in North Brunswick, the speakers may be different, but the rhetoric and talking points are the same, intended to appeal to the emotions of the voter.

This is not about children. It is about money – your money to fund the educational cartel and those that feed off it. By some convoluted new math calculation, officials have determined that your increase in taxes will increase your property values. They are touting an education district that is ranked in the lower third of the state districts as the attraction drawing people to this community.

Where are the objective, nonpartisan studies by a disinterested party that can qualify and quantify the justification of this project, or any part of it? It is ludicrous to expect voters to approve a $77 million debt on whimsical statements and internally generated statistics.

A no vote on Dec. 13 will send a message to the Board of Education that the taxpayers do not want additional taxes and they must do the job they were elected to do, and find a fiscally responsible way to manage and improve our educational system.

Richard Pender
North Brunswick