Internet exchange zone available in Marlboro

MARLBORO – Mayor Jonathan Hornik has announced that the Marlboro Online Internet Exchange Zone is now in place and available for use by residents.

The exchange zone is in the municipal parking lot at 1979 Township Drive, off Wyncrest Road. The space is distinguished by an “Internet Exchange Zone” sign above a green striped parking space. The location is well lit and a camera provides police surveillance at all times, according to a press release.

In order to use the zone, the buyer or the seller in a transaction must be a Marlboro resident. Prior to the transaction, the resident is required to register the transaction by completing the secure Internet Exchange Zone transaction form found on the township website via a link on the right side of the homepage at

Private exchanges of motor vehicles, weapons, or items that do not fit in a 10-foot by 10-foot parking spot will not be permitted, according to the press release.

“The safety and security of township residents is of paramount importance,” Hornik said. “I, along with the Township Council, believe this zone is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the township’s residents.

“As Internet in-person sales between strangers increase, so does the chance for violence and fraud. By providing an area that will be video monitored by Marlboro police, we hope to promote safer transactions between strangers,” the mayor said.

“This initiative is being funded by federal forfeiture funds available to Marlboro and will (have) virtually no cost to the taxpayer,” Hornik said. “I want to thank Chief Bruce Hall for his leadership and the entire Division of Police for their support of this program.”