Fly the U.S. flag every day, not just on holidays

Sept. 11, 2001 was the worst day of my life. Our son was murdered at the World Trade Center in New York City. One of the things that helped me was seeing all the American flags in the parking lots or on any highway I was on.

The “Red, White and Blue” was everywhere. The country was showing our sadness and our strength at the same time. Slowly, the flags disappeared. It made me sad to see that happen. Did America have this feeling for a few months or is it still within us?

Today, there are those few who would burn the symbol of our nation. Let us show how we feel as a nation. Let’s fly the flag all the time. Let it not be for July 4 and other holidays. Let us stand up to say, “I am proud to be an American.” Let us fly the flag for all who have died for this country. Let us fly the flag for us.

Ed Russin